(650) 503-1796

About Us

Jack Garage Door Repair in Daly City isn't just a name; it's a Daly City staple, woven into the very fabric of your daily commute. Picture this: you're rushing to work, coffee in hand, and with one click, your garage door groans like an old man on a cold morning—stuck halfway. That’s where we come in.
(650) 503-1796

Trusted Leaders in Garage Door Repair

We’ve seen every hiccup and heard every creak that can plague Daly City garages—from Pacifica fog causing havoc on circuits to those pesky coastal winds battering panels. With years under our belt serving this vibrant community, we know what works best right here at home.


Daly City, CA, USA

Call Us
(650) 503-1796
Opening Hours

Sunday - Saturday 8:00AM - 8:00PM

From Our Garage to Yours – Excellence in Every Door!